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Thank you for your interest in contributing to Thesamiksha.com – The Enlightened Ideas! We welcome passionate writers who wish to share their thoughts and insights on various topics, including history, sociology, management, philosophy, and more. To maintain the quality and authenticity of our content, we have established the following guidelines for guest contributions:


Originality: All submissions must be original work created by the author. We do not accept plagiarized content, and all submissions will be checked for authenticity using plagiarism detection tools.


Article Length: The preferred article length is up to 1500 words. Concise, well-structured articles are encouraged, as they are more engaging and easier for our readers to digest.


Backlinks Policy: As a non-profit platform, we do not provide backlinks to external websites or promote commercial content. However, we do allow writers to include a single backlink to their LinkedIn profile account within their author bio.


Author Bio and Credentials: Along with your article, please provide a brief author bio (approximately 50 words) that includes your name, educational qualifications, and any relevant credentials. You may also include a professional profile photo.


Non-Sponsored Content: Thesamiksha.com does not accept sponsored guest posts or paid promotions. We value genuine insights and ideas from our contributors.


Content Review and Editing: All submissions will be reviewed by our editorial team for quality, relevance, and adherence to our guidelines. We reserve the right to edit articles for clarity and formatting while preserving the author’s original intent.


Topic Selection: We encourage diverse topics that align with our website’s theme of “The Enlightened Ideas.” However, we do not accept content that promotes hate speech, violence, or any form of discrimination.


Submission Process: To submit your article for consideration, please email it to [Email Address]. Our team will review your submission, and if approved, we will notify you regarding the publication date.


Join our community of knowledge seekers and become a part of Thesamiksha.com – The Enlightened Ideas! Together, let’s create a platform for sharing valuable insights and fostering intellectual discussions.


For any inquiries or additional information, please feel free to reach out to us at [Contact – thesamiksha9@gmail.com ].


Thank you for being a part of our journey to enlighten minds through the power of knowledge-sharing.


Thesamiksha.com – The Enlightened Ideas

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