There are 3 kinds of bees in every hive.
One is the QUEEN which is the mother or female bee. She lays the eggs and keeps the race alive. That is her sole duty. Then, there is the KING, also known as Drone, which is the male bee. His sole function is to fertilize the eggs which the female lays in order to start a new colony or continue the succession of an existing colony. Then, there are the workers, those little fellows who gather the honey from the flowers and store it so that it can be used by the whole hive.
After the male bee has performed the action for which nature created him, the workers jump on him and sting him to death. There is a decree in “beedom” that all those who do not work must get out.
Question: How to get work?
Answer: Go out and render a service that you are capable of.
Method: Work constantly and patiently every day striving toward the highest and the best.
It is a part of nature’s plan to place obstacle in your work. There is a great lesson in every obstacle you master. Nature says “you must keep growing or get out of the way.” We cannot grow without action.
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The writer is a Healthcare Professional and holds a Master’s degree in Healthcare Administration.