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What are perform rituals? The ritual is a religious ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order. 

What are rituals? The ritual is a religious ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order. We find rituals in every society –  tribal society, agricultural society and industrial society.

The individual’s whole life is engulfed by a series of rituals from birth to death. We cannot imagine life without rituals. The question is raised, why do we the rituals?

The answer is that we perform the rituals because it strengthens the relationship between the family, relatives and society.  To perform the rituals,  people gather at a place and the interaction increases.

Secondly, the rituals play a crucial role in underlining the collective significance of an act.

Thirdly, the rituals bring stability to human interactions that are ephemeral.  If these rituals are not performed, that stability may fall apart.

To conclude,  though society changes from tribal to agriculture to industrial, the basic crux of rituals remains the same i.e. strengthening the relations among the people.

Why Do We Perform Rituals?

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