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Globalization And Productive Culture.

In the Indian context, productive culture is the culture of lower caste people. Here society is based on varna and caste stratification. The people in lower castes are actually engaged in the production of the economy. They are peasants, craftsmen, and manual laborers. These people have their own way of life. They have distinct dressing patterns, food habits, festival, customs and traditions.

For example, alcohol drinking, and non-vegetarianism is a part of their lifestyle. It is observed that the productive culture is an abomination for the higher caste people. Normally higher caste people do not like the alcohol drinking and non-vegetarianism of lower caste people. The higher caste people consider themselves more superior than lower caste people in many aspects including food habits.

The process of globalization has given the opportunities to the Indian people to settle down in western countries like Europe and USA. When they settle down there, they have to accommodate with the way of life of western countries. Non-vegetarianism and alcoholism is the normal practice of western people. To adjust to the way of life of western culture, the higher caste Indian people has been practising non-vegetarianism and alcoholism.

The non-vegetarianism and alcoholism, which is despised by higher caste people in India is now accepted by them readily in western countries. Thus globalization has changed the attitude of higher caste people regarding the culture of lower caste which is productive culture. They accepted that productive culture is not inferior culture to the culture of higher caste people.


Globalization And Productive Culture.

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