The root cause of negative results is low self-esteem. There is no winning in life without this key ingredient. What is self-esteem? It means to have a good opinion of your own character and abilities.
You can never become all you can be until you develop good self-esteem. The only way to have high self-esteem is to do right. Think! Always think before your action steps. Have an ethical step. Ask yourself: Would I feel good if my decision was published in the newspaper? Would I feel good if my family knew about it?
God built into each of us something called a censor. It tells you clearly whether a thought or action is right. It wants to shield you from failure that results from wrong thinking and wrongdoing. Your censor is not a killjoy. It is the ‘builder’ of joy. It is ‘for’ you, not ‘against’ you. Like your God-created parents, the God-created censor hates the sin but continues to love the sinner. Do only what you know to be right. Do not fall prey to the idea that morals, like styles, are changeable.
When one’s mind becomes filled with hate thoughts, which is a sick emotion, it loses its power to think with clarity. Emotions of hate act like a destructive corrosive element in the mind itself and actually prevent it from formulating and developing ideas. But when such emotions are flushed out of the mind, there remains sharp mental organization and a sharp mental process takes its natural course and produce ideas.
Domino’s Pizza owner, Thomas Monaghan, has five lifelong priorities, which are, in order:
- Paying attention to the spiritual side of his life
- Caring for his family
- Keeping himself physically fit
- Watching over his finances
- Keeping his mental state sharp
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The writer is a Healthcare Professional and holds a Master’s degree in Healthcare Administration.