There is plenty for you to do in the world if you have not lost grip on yourself ‘mentally’. Physical limitations should not restrict you as long as you can discover the possibilities within your mind.
One of the commonest mistakes is of creating an alibi to explain the reason why we did not succeed. It may give you a certain amount of satisfaction to charge others with your failure, but this practice surely does not tend to improve one’s station in life.
It makes no difference what faults one finds in others, he will sink or swim, rise or fall on his ‘own merit’. Therefore quit building alibis and focus on building character. The time you spend proving that they have faults is time wasted because you can make no use of this proof. Spend this time checking on yourself to find out why you have not succeeded and how you may eliminate those faults.
It will do you no good to spend time looking for faults:
• In those whom you do not like
• In those who have courageously pointed out yours to you
• In those who have outdistanced you in the game of life and are succeeding while you have failed.
Failure prepares men of destiny for their responsibilities. Wherever you find a man who is doing worthwhile things, is a man who is serving the world ‘constructively’. Every setback can be turned into a stepping stone for a solid foundation of success.
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The writer is a Healthcare Professional and holds a Master’s degree in Healthcare Administration.