Mind resembles a great fertile field in which it will produce a crop after the kind of seed sown in it. Any idea placed in the mind and held there firmly will finally take root and grow, influencing the bodily actions. A thought is like a seed planted in the ground that grows into a crop. Therefore, it is dangerous to allow the mind to hold any destructive thought because such thoughts, sooner or later, release through physical action. Just as wild weeds will spring up in fertile soil that is not tilled; so will destructive ideas find their way into the minds of those who have not planted constructive ideas.
Reason: This is because the principle of Auto Suggestion works i.e. thoughts held in the mind and concentrated upon will begin to crystallize into action.
Solution: The mind can get rid of destructive tendencies by constantly feeding it with constructive thoughts.
Method: Evil tendencies of the mind can be removed through disuse. The human mind should be consciously and deliberately directed towards constructive efforts.
You do not need the assistance of any person on earth in the manipulation of your own mind. Your mind is something that ‘you’ control, no matter what your station in life is, provided that you yourself exercise that right instead of permitting others to do so.
The mind cannot remain idle. It is always striving to produce the material with which it is fed. You cannot sow a crop of grief and expect to reap a harvest of happiness.
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The writer is a Healthcare Professional and holds a Master’s degree in Healthcare Administration.