In the last 20 years, many Indian farmers committed suicide. Maharashtra state is no exception to it. Many Maharashtrian farmers are committing suicide every year. In these Maharashtrian farmers, the percentage of Maratha and Kunbi caste farmers committing suicide is very high.
The question is raised, why the Maratha and Kunbi community farmers are more in committing suicide? There may be many reasons for it. The reason may include social, cultural, and economic also.
Here we will try to explain the sociological aspects of committing suicide. The Maratha and Kunbi are the dominant caste of Maharashtra. The concept of dominant caste was given by the sociologist M N Srinivas. The dominant caste has three characteristics. They are majoritarian in the population of Maharashtra. They are land-owning communities. They also dominate the politics of Maharashtra. As they are the dominant caste, they dominate the socio-economic life of their surrounding region. Many times these communities borrow money from moneylenders. But that borrowed money from money lenders is used to maintain their social status in society. So, they used to spend that money on unproductive events like marriage ceremonies or alcoholism or birthday celebrations, and so on.
At the end of the year, when money lenders reach the door of Maratha or Kunbi people to get money back, they don’t have money to repay it. So, many times, the money lender insults borrowers before society. Insult before the family, community, and society affront the honor of the Maratha and Kunbi peasants. They felt dishonored and disgraced in the eyes of society. So many times, in the moment of emotional disgrace, they commit suicide.
To conclude, spending on unproductive events or habits, or assets compels people to commit suicide.