People do not break down because they are defeated, but because they ‘think’ they are. They do not believe in their own possibilities. You need to trust in the abilities that God has given you.
“I am afraid I’ll never make it” or “I haven’t got what it takes.” Thoughts like these are dangerous. If you go along telling yourself that you are a worm, your subconscious is going to believe it after a while.
Apply creative thinking to unpleasant or defeating circumstances. The first step is to ‘believe’ that you have what it takes to change them. But your belief has to be in-depth; not just surface belief. One reason we do not get answers to our prayers is that we ask, but do not really expect to receive. We are expert askers, but inexpert receivers.
You are going to have setbacks and defeats. Like the stock market, you will have an extended dip in your fortunes. Do not let this defeat you.
List on one sheet all your negatives and on the other all those positive qualities that you would like to possess. Fold up the positive sheet, keep it handy, and read it a dozen times a day. Subsequently, you will dismiss your negative and concentrate on your positive.
Too often self-doubt prevents people from living abundantly. Since God believes in you as your creator, how can you not succeed? You can improve yourself through diligent practice.
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The writer is a Healthcare Professional and holds a Master’s degree in Healthcare Administration.