Worry is a condition in which the mind clutches an idea and won’t let it go. The only way to let go of ingrained ways of thinking is to insert another good idea into the clutch to let go of a bad one.
Most people don’t plan to fail; they fail to plan – is an old adage but still relevant. Replace fear with action. Don’t be an ‘if’ thinker, be a ‘how’ thinker. The ‘if’ thinker broods over a difficulty or a setback. The ‘how’ thinker, on the other hand, wastes no energy on post-mortems when trouble hits him, but immediately starts looking for the best possible solution. If you do not defeat problems right here and right now, they will chase and haunt you for the rest of your life. Don’t run, fight it out.
Step 1: Write the problem in meticulous detail. Empty out the fear-panic-inadequacy feeling and start thinking with rationality. See the problem straight. Defuse emotional reactions. Activate creative thought.
Step 2: Cut every problem into bits and pieces. And the bits and pieces will add up to handling the entire problem. Select one element of the problem with which to begin. By breaking a problem into its component parts, you can handle the whole problem by dealing with those parts separately.
Logic: Writing is required for clarity in thinking so that the steps leading to a solution fall in place. Follow reverse thinking i.e. work with what you know about a problem, and follow each factor back to its connection with the main matter. This can help with de confusion.
Problem is one of God’s greatest methods for helping you to develop. If you view every problem as a value container rather than something to harass you, the result will be greater knowledge. Failure has been designed as an educational process. It is meant to teach us something.
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The writer is a Healthcare Professional and holds a Master’s degree in Healthcare Administration.