Everyone goes to the hotel for dinner. The waiter serves us the food. After completing the dinner, we used to give tips to the waiter.
Giving a tip to the waiter is not a simple act. It is a highly complex mental act. One research concluded that countries having a high habit of giving tips to a waiter has a high level of corruption also.
So, the question is raised, why do we give tips to the waiter? Giving a tip to the waiter is considered as a normal practice. Normally, we give a tip to the waiter as he has done a good job for us and makes us happy.
Another reason may be that the waiter may not get an adequate salary from his master. So, we try to compensate for the salary by giving him the tip.
Normally, it is observed that giving tips to the waiter is a global practice. It is found that Canada and India have a high level of habit of giving tips to the waiter. But Canada has a very low level of corruption compared to India.
So, again the question is raised. Why is there so much difference? This can be explained in the following way.
Canadian people give tips to the waiter as he got good service from the waiter. Here, the temporal focus of the Canadian brain is shifted towards the past while giving tips to the waiter. The temporal focus of the brain is the degree to which individuals think about the past, present or future.
On the other hand, when the Indian gives a tip to the waiter, the temporal focus of the Indian is more shifted towards the future.
It is observed that when this temporal focus is shifted toward the future, there is a high level of corruption. Indians give the tip to the waiter for not getting good service now but to get good service for the future.
To conclude, there is a close relationship between the temporal focus of the brain and corruption. The temporal focus of the brain is defined by the customs and traditions of a nation.
Nandkishor kale
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