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INTO ENTHU | Enthusiasm Meaning, Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. If you are not getting as much from life as you want to, then examine the state of enthusiasm.

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. If you are not getting as much from life as you want to, then examine the state of your enthusiasm. This stands true for memory also. While learning, if our excitement level is high, then a thought or idea or study material can be stored inside the hippocampus which is the permanent memory storage of our brain.

Enthusiasm can only be aroused by two things;

1. An ideal which takes your imagination by storm
2. A plan for carrying that ideal into practice.

An extraordinary quality of enthusiasm is it is filled by a victorious attitude. You must have enthusiasm because it’s the primary requisite for success.

Question: You can’t go out and buy it in-store. What to do?


Reason: It is in your interest because you ‘can’ change. Anybody can change. And from a dull nobody to an enthusiastic somebody.

Bring genuine enthusiasm into your lifestyle – for enthusiasm always makes the difference. To keep full of enthusiasm, keep your intake of energy greater than the outgo of energy. Constant tension depletes you, with it your energy dissipates and with it your enthusiasm.

Added to hard work, skill and love for the work, enthusiasm makes the difference in work performance.

Do not fall prey to pseudo pains. They do not come from any physical origin. They are induced by wrong, unhealthy thinking. Get your thinking charged, and start living a vital enthusiastic life. So activate your mind, let it flow out and become an alive part of the world, thrill to the world, thrill to people.

We are not supposed to be old, dead & dull. Enthusiasm can remake your life.


INTO ENTHU | Enthusiasm Meaning




The writer is a Healthcare Professional and holds a Master’s degree in Healthcare Administration.

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