The research suggests that happiness is a combination of, how satisfied you are with your life and how good you feel on a day-to-day basis. Recently, I came across one arithmetic formula for happiness. The formula is very interesting. The formula is like this
H = S + C + V
H – Happiness
S – Set points in the brain ( 50% )
C – Condition of living ( 12% )
V – Voluntary choices ( 38% )
Now, we will try to understand, how these factors contribute to happiness. The first factor in the formula is the set to point in the brain. It contributes around 50% to happiness. The set points in the brain is related to the mechanism of perception. We have 5 senses – sight, smell, touch, sound, and taste to get perception.
Perception is the sensory experience of the world. It involves both recognizing environmental stimuli and actions in response to these stimuli. It can be explained it with the following example. In a cold climatic region, sunny days make people happier.
The second factor in the formula is the condition of living. It contributes around 12% to happiness. Condition of living includes material success, personal wealth, and so on. If you have a thing of leisure such as a posh bungalow, a high-end car, it increases your happiness. But it has certain limitations. For example, if you have $ 1b in your bank account, it makes you happy. But now if a further $ 1b is added to the same account, you won’t get that much happiness.
The third factor in the formula of happiness is voluntary choice. The availability of voluntary choice is not available to all. But those who get this voluntary choice, to do something purposeful, appear to be happier. For example, someone wants to become a businessman, but that person doesn’t have a choice because of his economic condition. So, as he or she does not have a voluntary choice, it affects his/her happiness. Voluntary choices contribute 38% to the definition of happiness.
To conclude, though happiness varies from person to person, the above formula helps us to define our priority to make us happy.
Vitthal Parkhi
Very well explained.Anyone can understand.example and language is simple.Useful information.