
The Age of Crypto-Economics

The Age of Crypto-Economics

The last global financial crisis took place in 2008-2009. There were many reasons for it. The most important reason was the greed of the banking or financing sector of the USA. The banking sector had taken huge risks and finally, […]

End of LIBOR

End of LIBOR

What is LIBOR? LIBOR is the London Interbank Offering Rate. It is a benchmark interest rate at which major global banks lend to one another in the international interbank market for short-term loans. This LIBOR rate is determined in London […]

What is the petrodollar ? An agreement took place between the USA and Saudi Arabia .

Creation Of Petrodollar

The Yom -Kippur War was fought between Israel and Arab countries in 1973. The USA has supported Israel. So to retaliate against the USA, Saudi-Arabia raised the weapon of oil after the 1973 Yom-Kippur War and seriously damaged the US […]

What is bootstrap loader strategy can be explained by the following. Take the example of the USSR. The Russian Revolution took place in 1917.

What Is Bootstrap Strategy?

What Is Bootstrap Loader Strategy? The bootstrap strategy can be explained by the following example. Take the example of the USSR. The Russian Revolution took place in 1917. The revolution placed the Communist government in Russia. The Communist government wanted […]

To conclude, to avoid an adverse impact on the current account , we should have a crude oil policy like the USA and China.

Crude Oil Policy

Western Asia and Russia are the major exporters of crude oil. The prices of oil are dictated by the Oil Producing Exporting Countries ie OPEC. OPEC had raised the prices of crude oil suddenly in 1973 in the event of […]

The term Japanisation is related to the economy of Japan. The term can be explained in the following way.


The term Japanisation is related to the economy of Japan. The term can be explained in the following way. Japan went through a period of very rapid growth and technological expansion from the 1980s. Japanese politicians and industrial leaders confidently […]

Unveil the legacy of James Wilson, the mastermind behind India's first-ever budget plan. Learn how his economic vision transformed the country.

The First Budget of India : James Wilson

In June 1859, James Wilson became Vice-President of the Board of Trade, Paymaster General, and a Privy Councillor. James Wilson was soon identified to become the first finance member of the Viceroy’s Executive Council. So, Wilson left England on October […]

What Is Investment Strike?

What Is Investment Strike?

What is democracy? Democracy is a set of binding electoral institutions that effectively translate popular views into public policy. Democracy is premised on the idea of political equality. That means everyone has only one vote to cast irrespective of their […]

Chillar is a Marathi language word. The circulation of small denomination coins like 25 paise, 50 paise, in the economy can be described as the chillar economy.

Chillar Economy

Chillar is a Marathi language word. The circulation of small denomination coins like 25 paise, 50 paise, and 100 paise in the economy can be described as the chillar economy. These small denomination coins move very fast from one hand […]

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