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Medieval History

Journey Of Caliphate | What Is Caliphate?
History Medieval History

What Is Caliphate? | Journey Of Caliphate

After the death of Prophet Muhammad in 632 AD, the Muslim community was headed by four “Rightly Guided ” Caliphas. Khalifa means a successor to Prophet Muhammad. Caliphate was the institution that symbolised the collective unity of the Muslim community […]

What is Bargi The word bargi is referred to cavalrymen in Maratha and Mughal armies. The word comes from the Persian bargir.
History Medieval History

What is Bargi ?

The word bargi is referred to cavalrymen in Maratha and Mughal armies. The word comes from the Persian bargir. Its literal meaning is burden taker. The term also signified a soldier who rode a horse furnished or provided by his […]

The Mongols empire economy was based on the idea of redistribution. The ruler used to obtain revenue, gift or war booty.
History Medieval History

Forgotten – The Mongols Empire

In the 13th and 14th centuries, the Mongols had the largest empire in the world. It extended from present-day northern China and Mongolia to Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Bulgaria and Ukraine. The most famous Mongols empire ruler was […]

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