
Voting Behaviour A Case Study Of Fertiliser Subsidy

Voting Behaviour : A Case Study Of Fertiliser Subsidy

The Mayawati government of Uttar Pradesh was defeated in 2012. For the defeat of the Mayawati government, there were many reasons. Out of these reasons, we will try to explain how the issue of fertilizer subsidy was responsible for the […]

Who Are The Owner Of Laws ? laws are enacted by strong men to protect the strong.

Who Are The Owner Of Laws ?

What is Law? Law is the system of rules which a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and which it may enforce by the imposition of penalties. Modern laws are enacted by representatives of […]

Wealthier democracies were less prone to coups. Economic stability and access to resources make democracies more resilient to political instability. The Richer Democracies Not Having Coup

The Richer Democracies Not Having Coup

Political Scholars believe that developing countries usually have a coup. A coup means sudden, violent and illegal seizure of power from a government.  But the richer democracies do not have the coup normally. Three arguments are often advanced for the […]

Constitution within Constitution

Constitution within Constitution

The Honourable Supreme Court of India attained the celebrity status of ‘supreme defender’ of The Constitution of India, probably, on the day it came up with the doctrine of ‘Basic Structure’. It indeed was a milestone for Indian Constitutionalism. But […]

In this context. the survival of Indian democracy can be understood.

Survival Of Indian Democracy

According to a Polish American Professor of Political Science, democracy cannot survive in poor countries. But India is an exception to it. Then what is the reason for the survival of democracy in India? According to Pranab Bardhan, the survival […]

Indian Democracy - Remarkable Exception.

Indian Democracy – Remarkable Exception

Scholars are convinced that democracies can be established at any level of income but they do not survive at a low level of income. With few exceptions, countries at higher levels of income tend to have stable democracies. Adam Przeworski, […]

Emergence of Modern Constitution

The Emergence of Modern Constitution

An eminent British historian Linda Colley published her new book The Gun, The Ship and The Pen. Through her book, she tried to explain the forces responsible for the emergence of the modern constitution in the world. The first force […]

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