The world bestows its big prizes, both in money and honors, for one thing, and that is initiative. What is the initiative? It is doing that extra thing that you ought to do without someone else telling you to do it.
Every man has the same opportunity to advance to a more responsible position. No man is required to do a part of another fellow’s work, but there is nothing to stop him from doing so if he chooses. Opportunities come to the person who uses initiative because initiative results to opportunities.
Use initiative by doing at least one thing each day that you are not told to do in connection with your work. Say nothing to anyone about what extra you are doing. If your work is of such a nature that you cannot perform work that you are not told to perform, then speed up a bit and perform more work and better work than you have been performing in the same length of time.
Using initiative with its consequences:
Situation 1: Doing the extra thing when you are told once.
Consequence: They get recognition but their pay is not always in proportion to the added responsibility.
Situation 2: Those who never do a thing until they are told twice.
Consequence: Such get no recognition and small pay.
Situation 3: Those who do the extra thing only when necessary kicks them.
Consequence: These get defame instead of recognition and peanuts for pay.
Situation 4: Still lower down the scale is the fellow who will not do the extra thing even when someone shows him how it needs to be done and stays to see that he does it.
Consequence: Such a fellow is always out of job and is a burden for his fellow workers, associates, and family.
You need to decide to which class you belong.
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The writer is a Healthcare Professional and holds a Master’s degree in Healthcare Administration.