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WHY DOUBT NATURE’S WAY, Happiness will come to the person who has learned to change his course of life when he experiences the mileposts of failure.

If a brick could talk, it would complain when it is placed in a red-hot furnace and burned for hours; yet that process is necessary in order to give the brick lasting qualities that will withstand the onslaught of external elements.

There is a guiding hand which pushes us into the struggle so that we emerge with more knowledge of the things which we need to know in life. Some men learn easily and quickly whereas Nature finds it necessary to break the hearts of others so that they realize its value.

When you are unhappy, unsuccessful and in trouble, these are Nature’s guide posts which point out to you that you are struggling in the wrong direction. You will know it just as you know when you have placed your hand on a hot stove. If you are unhappy, that means it is an unnatural state of mind and a sure sign that there is ‘something’ wrong in your life.

Question: Who ascertains what that ‘something’ is that is wrong?

Answer: You do! Only you can do so.

Reason: Because the normal state of mind is happiness.

Happiness will come to the person who has learned to change his course of life when he experiences the mileposts of failure, adversity and remorse. It never hurts one to begin at the bottom. Struggle is Nature’s way of training the wobbly, baby legs of mankind to walk.

Success must include happiness.




The writer is a Healthcare Professional and holds a Master’s degree in Healthcare Administration.

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