India was partitioned in 1947. The answer to the question of partition differs widely with the nationalities of writers – that is Indian, Pakistan, or British.
In India, the partition of the country is considered a tragedy. It is projected as a logical culmination of the long-standing British policy of divide & rule and the Muslim League’s ideology of communalism and separateness. The Britishers and the Muslim League worked together and forced the Indian National Congress to agree to the partition of India. Indian writers largely placed the blame at the door of Congress leaders and agreed that if they had shown adequate understanding, tact & boldness, the partition of the motherland could be avoided.
In Pakistan, however, the partition is considered as quite logical and inevitable and the growth of Muslim nationalism is traced in the depth of Indian history.
Among British scholars, there is no unanimity of opinion about the rationale of the partition of India. There is a difference of opinion among the historians and those writers who served the British Raj in India.
To conclude, the answer of the partition differs according to the nationalities of historians.
Was The Partition Of India Inevitable?

M.A [ History ] – NET, SET
Pursuing Phd. RTMNU, Nagpur University: Environmental History Of India – [ 1952 to 2022 ]
Assistant Lecturer