Modern History

Absentee Landlordism
History Modern History

Absentee Landlordism

East India Company ( EIC ) won the battle of Plassey in 1757 and the battle of Bauxar in 1764. In a course of time, EIC became the de facto ruler of India. When EIC became the ruler of India, […]

Physiocrats And British Land Revenue System
History Modern History

Physiocrats And British Land Revenue System

According to one late 19th-century historian, the Physiocrats created the first strictly scientific system of economics. Physiocrats was a theory of wealth, which was prevalent in the 18th century. The Physiocrats led by Quesnay believed solely in the value of […]

Meston settlement is related to the financial distribution between central government and provincial state before independence of India.
History Modern History

Meston Settlement

Introduction to the Meston Settlement Meston settlement is related to the financial distribution between the central government and the provincial state before the independence of India. Under the settlement, 47 subjects were declared to be central subjects. These 47 subjects […]

Was The Partition Of India Inevitable? - To conclude, the answer of the partition differs according to the nationalities of historians.
History Modern History

Was The Partition Of India Inevitable?

India was partitioned in 1947. The answer to the question of partition differs widely with the nationalities of writers – that is Indian, Pakistan, or British. In India, the partition of the country is considered a tragedy. It is projected […]

Indian soldiers played a crucial role in the First World War, with over one million serving in various theaters of the conflict. Indians Soldiers In The First World War
History Modern History

Indians Soldiers In The First World War

The first world war was fought between 1914-1918. In this war, 13 lakh Indian soldiers fought on behalf of the British empire on the battlefield. These Indian soldiers had fought neither for any political purposes nor protection of their own […]

Two Role Models: Gandhiji And Mao Zedong - Thesamiksha One is of Mohanchand Karamchand Gandhi of India and another is of Mao Zedong of China. Only these two acted as real role models for freedom fighters.
History Modern History World History

Two Role Models: Gandhiji And Mao Zedong

There were only two models of anti-colonial struggle that deserved to be noticed across the continent. One is of Mohanchand Karamchand Gandhi of India and another is of Mao Zedong of China. Only these two acted as real role models for freedom fighters. In his historical judgement, the […]

In subaltern history, the history of the lower strata of society is studied.
History Modern History

What Is Subaltern History?

Writing of history is divided into many categories like nationalist history, Marxist history, Cambridge school of thought and subaltern. In subaltern history, the history of the lower strata of society is studied. According to subaltern historians, in the nationalist movement, […]

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