World History

The USSR collapsed in 1991. The disintegration of the USSR led to the formation of around 15 independent countries on the global map. Downfall Of USSR : Technology Perspective
History World History

Downfall Of USSR : Technology Perspective

The USSR collapsed in 1991. The disintegration of the USSR led to the formation of around 15 independent countries on the global map. There are many reasons for the disintegration of the USSR. Among these, the Glasnost (openness) and Perestroika […]

The founder of the Muslim Brotherhood was Hasan Al Banna. The question is, why did he establish the Muslim Brotherhood?
History World History

Origin Of Muslim Brotherhood

The founder of the Muslim Brotherhood was Hasan Al Banna. He founded this organization in 1928 in Egypt. The question is, why did he establish the Muslim Brotherhood? The origin of the Muslim Brotherhood lies in the development of the […]

Two Role Models: Gandhiji And Mao Zedong - Thesamiksha One is of Mohanchand Karamchand Gandhi of India and another is of Mao Zedong of China. Only these two acted as real role models for freedom fighters.
History Modern History World History

Two Role Models: Gandhiji And Mao Zedong

There were only two models of anti-colonial struggle that deserved to be noticed across the continent. One is of Mohanchand Karamchand Gandhi of India and another is of Mao Zedong of China. Only these two acted as real role models for freedom fighters. In his historical judgement, the […]

Learn about the disturbing relationship between the Industrial Revolution and slave Trade.
History World History

Industrial Revolution And Slave Trade

Industrial Revolution started in England in the 1780s. To make the industrial revolution successful, there was a need for capital. From where did this capital come to Britain? One view is that England’s industrial revolution got the capital from India. […]

This theory can be validated in the context of the industrial revolution and Quakers.
World History History

Industrial Revolution And Quakers

The industrial revolution started in England in 1780. There were many factors for the success of the industrial revolution in England. Protestant religion also equally played important role in the success of the Industrial revolution. Protestant is the major sect […]

New Deal And Federalism Of USA
History World History

New Deal And Federalism Of USA

The Great Depression started in the USA in October 1929. It led to the complete collapse of the US economy. Banks went bankrupt. Industries were closed down. The unemployment rate increased sharply. In November 1932, the Presidential election took place. […]

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