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Mark Zuckerberg applies the FREEDOM OF NO CHOICE in his life regarding dressing sense and concentrating on his routine work.

Freedom Of No Choice

Have you ever observed that the owner of Facebook, Mr. Mark Zuckerberg, usually wears the same color of T-shirts and trousers every day? It is not because he has no money to buy the different types of dress. But it […]

Why Do Indian Youth Grow the Beard?-Discover the cultural, religious, and personal reasons why growing a beard is a popular trend among Indian youth.

Why Do Indian Youth Grow the Beard?

Recently, it is observed that more and more boys are inclined to grow a beard. It is not to say that the boys did not grow a beard in the past. But the tendency to grow a beard was less […]

So, what is the formula for failure? According to Herbart Bayard Swope, " Try to please everybody all the time " will lead you to fail.

Formula For Failure

Everyone is interested in success. All crave success. So there is tons of literature on success. No one writes about failure. So, we do not find much literature on the failure. A great journalist Herbert Bayard Swope who was the […]

Referent Group

Referent Group

Dr. Roosevelt Thomas Jr, a Harvard Ph.D. in organisational behavior reshaped corporate America’s attitude about workplace diversity. One of Roosevelt’s crucial insights was the unappreciated influence of referent groups in everyday life. A referent group can be anything like a […]

There are various explanations for the incest taboo. Family disruption theory is one of the explanations for the incest taboo.

Incest Taboo : Family Disruption Theory

What is incest taboo: Family Disruption Theory? Incest taboo refers to the universal prohibition of sexual relations or marriage among the members of the same family. So there is a prohibition of sexual relations between mother and son, father and […]

Why Were Superman Movie So Popular -The first Superman movie was released in the USA in 1951. From 1951 to 1991, 5 Superman movies were released globally.

Why Were Superman Movie So Popular ?

Throughout the 1940s and 1950s, Superman was the most popular character in the comic books. The first Superman movie was released in the USA in 1951. From 1951 to 1991, 5 Superman movies were released globally. These Hollywood Superman movies […]

Everyone goes to the hotel for dinner. The waiter serves us the food. After completing the dinner, we used to give tip to waiter.

Tip To The Waiter

Everyone goes to the hotel for dinner. The waiter serves us the food. After completing the dinner, we used to give tips to the waiter. Giving a tip to the waiter is not a simple act. It is a highly […]

Explore the history and concepts of psycho analytic theory, from Freud to modern interpretations. Learn more.

Incest Taboo : Psycho Analytic Theory

Incest taboo refers to the universal prohibition of sexual relations or marriage between the members of the same family such as between mother and son, father and daughter, or brother and sister. There is hardly any society that permits such […]

Bald Is Beautiful, To conclude, the inferiority complex of baldness may be psychological disposition which may have been rooted in our patriarchal society.

Bald Is Beautiful

Whenever there is an arranged marriage consideration, brides are looking at all many factors of the bridegroom like his job, financial status, age and then weight,  skin colour, and height. The baldness of the groom also becomes a part of […]

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