Writing of history is divided into many categories like nationalist history, Marxist history, Cambridge school of thought and subaltern.
In subaltern history, the history of the lower strata of society is studied. According to subaltern historians, in the nationalist movement, the people of the lower section of society fought along with the upper classes against the Britishers. They believed that the Indian people were never united in a common anti-imperialists struggle. There were two distinct movements, the real anti-imperialist stream of subalterns and the bogus nationalist movement of the elite.
In subaltern ideology, the involvement of lower strata is considered while writing history. Thus, tribal movements are studied through the subaltern ideology. It was tried to show that the tribal movement of the 19th century did not have any linkage with the nationalist movement. These tribal movements were confined to specific regions and were inspired by their own interest.
To conclude, the subaltern ideology has given a new dimension to the writing of Indian history.