The founder of the Muslim Brotherhood was Hasan Al Banna. He founded this organization in 1928 in Egypt. The question is, why did he establish the Muslim Brotherhood?
The origin of the Muslim Brotherhood lies in the development of the 1920s decade. After the First World War, the Ottoman empire started to disintegrate. This disintegration led to the emergence of many new countries.
But, these new countries were directly or indirectly controlled by European imperialist states. In fact, Egypt was given independence in 1922 by the Britishers. But the Britishers used to interfere in the internal administration of Egypt. So, Egypt could not develop its own foreign or domestic policy.
This disturbed many Egyptians, including Hasan Al Banna. Hasan Al Banna realized that the Britishers were also controlling the religious affairs of the Egyptian people. He wanted to throw away the control of the Britishers over the religious affairs of Egypt.
Similarly, he wanted to reform the Muslim religion and society, which he thought was contaminated because of the contact with Christianity. So, he founded an organization called Al Ikhwan Al Muslimin. The European countries had given it the simple name, i.e., Muslim Brotherhood.
To conclude, the origin of the Muslim Brotherhood had the background of British imperialism.