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Are you tired of hearing that money does buy happiness? Read on to find out why this may not be entirely true.

Money Does Buy Happiness

The famous psychologist Daniel Kahneman and economist Angus Deaton published a famous paper in 2010. The paper reported that happiness goes up with income until the relationship starts to ” flatten ” at between $ 60000 and $ 90000 a […]

Who Failed Karl Marx: Karl Marx was himself responsible for his failures. We cannot blame others for Karl Marx's failures.

Who Failed Karl Marx

Karl Marx was a 19th-century sociologist, economist, and philosopher. He studied human history and came to the conclusion that history moves through different phases. He defined the phases in ascending order as follows : a) primitive communism b) Slavery c) […]

Buddhism had a manifold impact on Indian society, which created rich traditions. Impact of Buddhism on Indian society

Impact of Buddhism on Indian Society

Buddhism was a protest movement against Brahmanism. Professor Yogendra Singh termed the rise of Buddhism as the process of orthogenetic change. It has brought about many changes in Indian society. Many foreigners started arriving in India around 300 B.C. Because […]

Thus food scarcity may be , historically speaking , a probable cause of exogamy and marriage by capture.

Marriage By Capture

In the Hindu social system, eight types of marriage are described. These are Brahma, Daiva, Arsha, Prajapatya, Gandharva, Asura, Rakshasa, and Paisacha. The first four types of marriages were socially sanctioned, whereas the latter four were socially disapproved. Among the […]

Why Doesn't Girl Oppose The Dowry

Why Doesn’t Girl Oppose The Dowry ?

In India, dowry practice is a part of marriage. A dowry is a payment, such as property or money, paid by the bride’s family to the groom or his family at the time of marriage. This practice is followed in […]

The USSR collapsed in 1991. The disintegration of the USSR led to the formation of around 15 independent countries on the global map. Downfall Of USSR : Technology Perspective
History World History

Downfall Of USSR : Technology Perspective

The USSR collapsed in 1991. The disintegration of the USSR led to the formation of around 15 independent countries on the global map. There are many reasons for the disintegration of the USSR. Among these, the Glasnost (openness) and Perestroika […]

The founder of the Muslim Brotherhood was Hasan Al Banna. The question is, why did he establish the Muslim Brotherhood?
History World History

Origin Of Muslim Brotherhood

The founder of the Muslim Brotherhood was Hasan Al Banna. He founded this organization in 1928 in Egypt. The question is, why did he establish the Muslim Brotherhood? The origin of the Muslim Brotherhood lies in the development of the […]

Indian soldiers played a crucial role in the First World War, with over one million serving in various theaters of the conflict. Indians Soldiers In The First World War
History Modern History

Indians Soldiers In The First World War

The first world war was fought between 1914-1918. In this war, 13 lakh Indian soldiers fought on behalf of the British empire on the battlefield. These Indian soldiers had fought neither for any political purposes nor protection of their own […]

Wealthier democracies were less prone to coups. Economic stability and access to resources make democracies more resilient to political instability. The Richer Democracies Not Having Coup

The Richer Democracies Not Having Coup

Political Scholars believe that developing countries usually have a coup. A coup means sudden, violent and illegal seizure of power from a government.  But the richer democracies do not have the coup normally. Three arguments are often advanced for the […]

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